Hi {{approval.agent.name}},
A new change has been submitted for your verification.
Request Summary
{{change.subject}} (#{{change.id}})
Priority: {{change.priority}}
Status: {{change.status}}
Change Type: {{change.type}}
Description: = {{change.description}}}
Category:Sub-category:Item = {{change.category_def}}{{change.sub_category_def}}{{change.item_category_def}}
Change Environment = {{change.change_environment}}
Business Requirement Document = {{change.business_requirement_document}}
Security Sign-off by CISO = {{change.security_signoff_by_ciso}}
UAT Sign Off Attached = {{change.uat_sign_off_attached}}
Application Name = {{change.application_name}}
Change Closure Code = {{change.change_closure_code}}
Change Implementation Plan = {{change.change_implementation_plan}}
CISO Security Sign-Off = {{change.ciso_security_signoff}}
New Application Go Live = {{change.new_application_go_live}}
PAC Reference Number = {{change.pac_reference_number}}
Previous Approver: {{approval.last_approver_name}} {{approval.comments}}
Current Approver Name = {{approval.agent.name}}
Incident ID: {{incident.id}}

Problem ID: {{problem.id}}
For Approval Link click here
You can also approve/reject the request by replying to this email with only one of the following words as the first line of the mail - 'Approved, Approve, Rejected, Reject.' While replying to the email, please add additional remarks in the second line of the email (Remarks are mandatory while rejecting the request).
Warm Regards,
IT Helpdesk
SBM Bank India
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